Bored of eating the same usual meals at home? Spice them up with the Indian style kidney bean and rice burrito or the rajma rice burrito.
The burrito is a Mexican dish that consists of a tortilla wrap usually filled with a savoury filling, made mostly of meat and rice or beans and rice. On the other hand, rajma rice is a favourite of most North Indians and is cooked using kidney beans, onions, tomatoes,ginger, garlic, rice and some spices.
This recipe is an Indian version of the Mexican burrito, in the sense that it uses mostly Indian ingredients.
If you like wraps and rolls, then this Indian style burrito with leftover rajma rice (kidney bean and rice) and a mix of other Indian and Mexican ingredients is sure to make your heart content.
This is a very easy and quick recipe for those days when you don’t have the mood to cook anything from scratch or want to plate up something interesting for a mid-day snack!
An absolutely healthy option, this Indian style rajma rice burriito is so yummy that it will definitely make your family yearn for it, every time you make rajma rice!!
Recipe for Indian style burrito or rajma rice buritto
Indian style burrito recipe or rajma rice burrito recipe
Main ingredients
- 2 chapathis or wraps
- Leftover rajma rice cooked kidney beans mixed with rice
- Mint-coriander chutney
- 1/4rth pepper or capsicum of different colours
- Black pepper powder- as required
- Chaat powder optional
For Mint-coriander chutney (to be blended)
- 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves chopped
- 1/2 cup fresh coriander leaves chopped
- 2 green chillies chopped (as required)
- 1 tbsp tamarind juice freshly washed, boiled in water and sieved
- 1/2 inch ginger chopped
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tbsps water or as required
- Salt as required
- 2 tbsps curd or yoghurt
For Mint-coriander chutney
- Pluck the mint and coriander leaves from their stems
- Rinse them well in a strainer
- In a mixie or grinder add the other ingredients from the “to be blended category”along with the leaves
- Add some salt and grind to a smooth paste
For Rajma Rice Burrito
- Place one chapathi on the plate
- Add 1-2 tbsps of the mint-coriander chutney and spread it on the chapathi
- Now add 2-3 tbsps of leftover rajma rice and spread lightly
- Top it with some freshly cut onions and peppers (or capsicums)
- Sprinkle some salt and black pepper powder
- Now carefully roll the burrito with the help of a foil in a way
- You can alternatively add chicken or meat and rice combinations to this recipe if you’re a non-vegetarian
- We have used chapathis here, but you can use store-bought tortilla wraps to make it easier
- You can add papadi for that extra crunchiness
If you try this recipe do tag me on Facebook @beingrubitah or Instagram @healthy_indian_meals or on Twitter @BeingRubitah to connect and celebrate the joy of eating home made healthy food!
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Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me
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