Have you ever met anyone who seemed to emanate a lot of love and you just got drawn to him or her? That’s how Christian love is! When you have it in your heart, others sense it and are naturally attracted to it.
In today’s world you are considered stupid if you don’t run after material goals. How to be rich, how to have the best body, how to gain popularity etc are concepts that are more sought after.
“Love yourself”, “be selfish” “you deserve better” are a few slogans that are used by brands to make you believe that the key to a happy life, is the focus on self.
Yet, even after crossing significant goals, even after prioritizing your self over everything else, you feel there’s something missing in your life. You strive for more success and again find yourself empty from within.
The emptiness of your soul leads to anger, frustration, anxiety because you are not getting what your soul is seeking. Anger leads to depression, which brings about a state of despair. You feel like you’re losing all hope of a bright future.
Because you now face the truth that the universe doesn’t revolve around you as opposed to what you expected (that you are the center of the universe)
“What is it that I need? Where am i going wrong?”, you ask yourself.
Well, to be precise you need some focus, my friend. Focus that is away from the self and towards God. Because it is God who lies at the center of the Universe. It is God who created the Universe and it is God who drives it.
But in order to find that focus, you need to practice love. Not the romantic or selfish kind, which the world promotes, but true Christian love.
A love that reflects God’s love in us and which sees God in every human being. A love which is helpful to a person in need and unselfishly responds to him or her without expecting anything in return.
Christian love is love for God and love for our neighbour.
How do you practice Christian love? There are many ways.
- Wish the best for all you know and meet
- Do not speak ill of anyone
- Help others who are in need
- Be patient and show kindness to all
- Do only good
- Don’t be jealous of anyone
- Don’t seek revenge
- Never hold grudges
- Be humble and do not boast
- Don’t put anyone down with your words or actions
- Feel no hatred, anger or resentment
- Be slow to judge
- Rejoice in other’s happiness
- Sincerely forgive
- Try to reconcile with all
- Pray for all even your enemies
- Be compassionate
- Treat everyone equally, no matter who they are
Quite a list isn’t it? These are just a few examples. How many of us are able to follow even half of these? I have personally been a failure in all.
So how can we practice something that is impossible to work on?
By praying and repenting. When we pray with a sincere heart and with all humility, we receive God’s grace. Repenting, on the other hand, prepares our soul for the Holy Spirit to work on us. Thus we are directed and constantly reminded to practice Christian love in our deeds, for Christ’s sake.
So practice and practice Christian love and you will soon find yourself happy and full of joy!
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37.4
So how much do you know about Christian love? Take this quiz and find out for yourself! 🙂
[wp_quiz id=”7329″]
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Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me
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