Growing up I never looked up to my brother.
He was a particular type. Always reserved, hardly talked, never demanded much from my parents (which was a bad precedent for me since I “wanted” a lot more, but could not, since I didn’t know how to!) and was always into books.
No, he wasn’t the studious types, but he liked to read. I remember I would often playfully tell him that he wasn’t the best brother I had and he would laugh it out! It was just so difficult to get him to do anything for me!
“Can we go for a movie together?”
“Can you tell me how to use Gmail?”
“No, figure it out yourself”
“Can you take me to the market?”
“No, I’m busy”
“Can we make that pizza bread, now that mummy and daddy have left?”
“Sure” and he would take all that effort of putting the microwave down from the top shelf(which was newly bought and unopened those days). We would prepare the bread slices together and enjoy our self made bread pizza!!
So food I gathered, was definitely one motivator for my brother and we started exploring more treats thereafter. Sometimes bread pakora, sometimes chole bhature from the little stall opposite our house and sometimes a puff/patty from the nearby market. Street food definitely brought us together!
There were other things too. We would enact songs, have role plays (on pilots and hotel managers etc), and box and pin each other down to my mother’s horror!!
There were many times, when he stood up for me as well. When I accidentally misplaced or broke things in the house, he would put the blame on himself.
When I would get into trouble, he would stand by me and talk on my behalf with mum and dad. Strictly, however, he would warn me himself, about things I must not do. All this with barely an act of affection- no smiles,no giggles no hugs.
Yes, he was protective about me, but it was just that! Nothing more. It didn’t affect me hugely, but I missed a brother when I wanted to have fun!
Now when I think of it, I feel I was selfish. My brother had a personality of his own and instead of accepting him as he was, I complained.
Yet, something happened.
He slowly changed his behaviour towards me. After I left for post-graduation in Bangalore, I felt he was willing to listen to me. We would spend hours talking on the phone- something he never did, even when we were apart before.
Maybe he was his protective self again, maybe I had more to share, or maybe it was because of my sister-in-law. This magic that happened, left me a lot more secure in life. I now knew I could count on him, for anything I needed.
He laughed more often with me and he would lay down all his life accounts, that I was never aware of. This brother was someone I was very interested in knowing more about!
Slowly as life is changing, my brother is still a strong support, a faithful confidant.
In the last few years, he has been seeking spiritually, within the Orthodox Christian realm and I have to say, I really admire at how hard he tries to live the Orthodox Christian way of life. He enjoys that space and I respect him for that. His spiritual journey till date, has been beautiful, with adversities and blessings.
When I have my own little anxieties in life, I seek for his advice and he tells me (in the same protective manner) how I must place Christ at the center of everything.
Growing old, I know I can and will always look up to him.
He’s truly a blessing of a brother!
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Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me
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Dearest little Sis,
Protective I have been from day you were born. I will stand by you, whatever the world may throw at you. The only difference now, from earlier is that I know I don’t have to do it alone. If God is for us, who can be against and it is with this faith, that I see our lives being shaped for His glory, knowing that even the very breath we take is not apart from Him. Thank you for this wonderful post, the best gift this Birthday. God bless you…Always.