Did you know that Easter is more significant than Christmas for Christians? Why is Easter known as the greatest love story ever told in all times? Read on to find out how much God has been faithful towards an undeserving mankind
Easter is a Christian festival that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Resurrection is the term used for ‘rising from the dead’.
Christ was crucified on the cross on a Friday (called Good Friday). He was buried and on the third day (Sunday) He rose from the dead. It was a miracle.
Many non Christians of India are familiar with the Christian festival of Christmas. However, very few know of Easter. This is because Easter always falls on a Sunday (no special holiday). Besides it is not as commercialized as Christmas is.
For many Christians, the spiritual preparation for Easter begins with the Great Lent. This is a fifty days fast prior to Easter.
It is spent in fasting, self examination and confession. It is seen as a spiritual journey of the soul through the wilderness of the world. It is designed to strengthen the inner life of the worshipper, to draw him away from the world but closer to God.
On Easter Sunday, Christians rejoice over Christ’s resurrection and proclaim to each other – “Christ is risen.” The response received is “Truly He has risen.”
The significance of crucifixion and resurrection:
Everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve – the first man and woman created by God. God placed them in the beautiful Garden of Eden. He told them that they could eat of every tree of the garden. However, if they ate the fruit of the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’ they would surely die.
Living in the beautiful garden of Eden was like living in paradise. It was a place pervaded by the presence of the unified Trinity. There were rocks, trees, animals, water bodies.
The starry heavens glowed with an aura of goodness, love and interconnectedness. God filled all things. He could be heard, seen, smelt and touched. An aura of oneness also enveloped and penetrated the whole of creation. The world seemed warm and as if created for a totally glorious life.
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There was joy unspeakable when Adam dwelt in God. Man was created to share the glory and love of God, multiply, keep his commands, listen to God and not to listen to the wisdom of the world.
Then along came the serpent (which stands for earthly wisdom and knowledge) and tempted Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. Eve made Adam also eat the fruit. Consequently both Adam and Eve fell from grace.
Their disobedience was an act of foolishness and rebellion. It was a descent into individuality. It was like saying to God “I don’t need you.”
The creator God in His perfect and humble respect for the free will and choice of His exalted creatures drew back. Adam and Eve’s sin separated them from God who is the source of all life and oneness. They broke their communion with God.
As a result death came into the world. Death brought fear, anxiety and the struggle for biological survival. They were banished from the Garden of Eden. Thus they lost the unending delight and righteousness they enjoyed in the presence of God. Unified creation became lonely, cold and divided.
Thanks to the manipulation of satan, we inherited a world dominated by sin and death.
God’s love for mankind
However, our loving God willed that nothing of His creation should perish, go into non existence. He had delighted in His creation and had wanted it to have deeper communion with Him.
Satan derailed everything. Actually God being God knew this fall would take place and had planned and prophesied for salvation long back. He had planned a reversal of the fall and a new, restored, resurrected humanity that had victory over sin, death and corruption.
So He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to save us. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Jesus is the Son and Word of God and the second person in the Trinity. In His perfect knowledge and wisdom He was sent by God the Father to die on the cross and pay the price for our sins.
He was the only one whose sacrifice for our salvation satisfied God because He was the Holy lamb of God – sinless and able to keep all the commandments of God.
Jesus lowered Himself and came and lived among us. He became truly human while He remained truly God. The Lord of the cosmos died for us! Unbelievable, but true.
He not only died but rose again on the third day. He was truly alive again and was seen and touched by many of his disciples and others. This is a historic fact too. He said that if we follow Him and join ourselves to Him we will also rise again to eternal life.
In Holy Baptism we are united/joined with Christ. We become a part of His body. To be united to Him means to die in union with Him and also to be resurrected in union with Him.
When we die with Him our old sinful nature is crucified and when we rise with Him we are a new creation. To be new creations without sin we have to abide in Him.
The Easter story is like the story of a king who has been victorious over his enemies. He has triumphed and conquered. His people are now safe and protected.
Jesus entered the realm of death and conquered death for our sake. What the prophets could not do, what the commandments could not achieve He accomplished through love.
Therefore, Easter is about one of the greatest love stories the world has heard-God’s love for humanity.
It displays the strength of God’s love and the extent to which it took God. He made it possible for those who believe and abide in Him to reside with Him in heaven forever.
Through the resurrection of Christ we also receive resurrection and eternal life.
Thanks be to the Holy Trinity!
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