When a two month old demanded my attention

My two month old's comical gesture- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

We all know how babies are demanding of their mother’s attention. They cry, they feed, they poop. My two month old, however, had a slightly different technique. Read the following letter I wrote to my son, to find out!

My dear Steve

I can’t believe that its been more than 4 years since your Dada and I welcomed you into our small world. You were very little, yet your personality shone out even in those first months.

I clearly remember those days. It was winter time. I was staying with your Delhi Appacha (grandfather)and Ammachie (grandmother) soon after you were born, so we could all care for you.

We used to keep you in the living room most times, wrapped up in blankets, over a small comfortable mattress, on the floor. You could probably hear our conversations, feel the warm sunlight from the closed but netted door, and see (or sense) the play of lights made by the TV in the room.

Since you were a two-month old, one of us was always with you in the room, while you slept, and looked around.

One day, it so happened that you were left alone for a few minutes. It was one of those quick instances when all three of us had moved out of the room, for some or the other reason.


“Ayyyyyyyyyyy” we heard a shout.

Your Amachie and I stopped what we were doing.

“Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”. The sound was louder this time.

We saw Appacha rushing to you. Panicking from within, I also came running after.

But there you were in your spot, looking all fine.

Confused about the source of the shout, I picked you up. You seemed glad and made those cute sighs and yawns to tell me that you were ready to sleep again.

The mysterious shouts, though, left us wondering for the day. We concluded that it must have been the TV or a child outside.

Next day around 11 am, when Ammachi and I left for the kitchen to make some tea, we heard the shouts again.

But this time it was immediately followed by your Appacha’s laugh.

We hurried to see what happened. Pointing at you, your Appacha kept laughing till his eyes started watering!

The shouts had been coming from YOU!

You at merely 2 months, had found your own way of calling our attention, of seeking my love. As commanding as your shout seemed those days, it was truly endearing and absolutely special to me.

Today as I share this incident with so many others, I wish that you remain as unique as you are Steve.

I hope that you continue to command my love even in moments when I don’t feel so motherly. I pray that your uniqueness guides you into being a channel of Gods love for others some day.

Love you!

Your biggest fan


How does your baby or child demand your attention? Let us know in the comments below

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