All of us Christians must give priority to preparing our hearts, rather than our houses to receive the savior this Christmas. Why? Because the message of Christmas lies in its very name.
Every year, as Christmas approaches I am in a flurry. Activities like cleaning, baking, decorating, sending greetings, shopping and listening to carols become a must. I do them almost dutifully. Most friends and acquaintances do the same. At the end of it we feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Sometimes during family prayers, my mind wanders. Realization and guilt arrest me and jerk me back. So it happens during Advent. The world distracts me and tries to convince me that there can be no Christmas without gifts, cakes, goodies, decorations and so on. In the process I forget what Christmas actually is about. The real things are banished to the back of my mind.
To understand the reason for Christmas we have to revisit the story of creation. Adam and Eve were enjoying intimacy with the Creator. Due to their sin mankind was separated from God. As a consequence death came into the world.
Man was not created by God to experience death or watch his body grow old. You and I were created for eternal life, united with the Creator. Though we are full of sin God wants us to be restored to Him. He does not want us to perish. The world needed forgiveness so God sent a redeemer. The Lord Jesus Christ took birth as that redeemer.
The second person of the Trinity came down in flesh to redeem us. John 3:16 says – “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have eternal life.” The message of Christmas is hope, forgiveness, compassion and peace between God and man.
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, God’s son as a human being. God expressed His love for us by living among us and ultimately being crucified for our sins. Thus Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to the world. The message of Christmas is love and sacrifice.
The eternal word became flesh. The Creator, the King of Kings, He whom the heavens could not contain divested Himself of His glory, humbled Himself and came down to be born in a lowly manger. The message of Christmas is humility.
Christmas is not a pagan festival or just a winter festival. Many people do not even know who Jesus is. Yet they celebrate Christmas with pomp and show. They celebrate it as a holiday season not as a Holy Day. Christmas is not a time for mere enjoyment, parties and revelry. It is a time for rejoicing and being thankful about God’s incredible act of love.
The story of the birth of Jesus is there in the Old Testament, the Gospels, epistles and the Psalms. Christmas was a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Literally Christmas means the celebration of the anointed one. ‘Christ’ means anointed and ‘mass’ means celebration.

Historically Christmas is the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea. Theologically Christmas is the incarnation of God in the person of Jesus. Traditionally Christmas is a time for wonder, joy, generosity and peace. Jesus is central to Christmas and without Jesus there can be no Christmas. Christmas is a part of the story of Jesus. It is not that Jesus is a part of the story of Christmas. True Christians cannot celebrate Christmas with only Christmas trees, gifts, carols, sumptuous food and decorations.
As we celebrate Christmas this year let us adore, worship and glorify our wonderful God who gave us hope and peace through His love, compassion, humility and sacrifice. Let us fall on our knees and welcome this wonderful Savior with honour, jubilation.
He is ‘Immanuel’ (God with us). (Mathew 1:22 says, “Behold a virgin shall be with child, and bear a son and they shall call His name Immanuel which is translated ‘God with us’. He should be welcomed into every heart as Virgin Mary welcomed Him into her life.
Let Him be born in us and abide in us. Let His love, compassion, peace, generosity, forgiveness glow in our hearts and lead others also to rejoice in His birth. The true Christmas spirit is joy in Christ.
All of us need to give priority to preparing our hearts rather than our houses to receive the savior. That is the reason why Orthodox churches have a nativity fast before Christmas. Fasting as a discipline helps to keep us in spiritual health. It makes us eat less, slow down, reflect on every aspect of the story of the birth of Jesus. It helps us make room in our hearts for the One who comes with healing.

Saint Nicholas is one of the best loved saints of the Orthodox Church. He was of Greek descent and was born in Patara in Lycia (Turkey) around the end f the 3rd century. He was born to pious and rich Christian parents.
After his parents died he gave away all his inheritance to the poor and needy. Almsgiving was his greatest joy. He obeyed Jesus words to sell everything and give to the poor; to lay up treasures in heaven. The best known story connected to his good deeds is that of his secretly throwing pouches of gold into the house of poor a man who could not afford a dowry for each of his daughters.
He became the archbishop of Myra in Lycia. He is supposedly one of the 318 bishops who gathered for the Council of Nicia. He was so incensed with Arius heresy that he slapped him. There are other instances where he stood up for what was right.
He reposed in 345 A.D. Later his relics were placed in Bari, Southern Italy.
This historical St. Nicholas was the inspiration for the mythical gift giving figure in Germany known as Nikolaus and in Netherlands as Sinterklaus. This in turn was the inspiration for the western Santa Claus. Among Orthodox Christians the historical Nicholas of Myra is revered and honoured as a saint. The faithful observe December 6th as St.Nicholas Day.
Images from the past show that the historical St. Nicholas looked nothing like the Santa Claus of today. Nothing like the red cheeked, red suited, white bearded mythical Santa.
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Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me
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