What does it mean to have commitment in a relationship?

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Does commitment come before true love or does love give forth to commitment? This is a question that often comes in my mind when I see a lot of relationships dying around me.

The intent to be faithful in a relationship comes with God’s grace and a lot of will power and while I have been wondering about what it really means, I found this resource (my parents shared it with me) that describes this quality in the most beautiful way!

The following poem was published in a periodical “Power of Living” on August 26, 1979.

What is the strange force that turns houses into homes and holds families together in a fragmented world? It is a gentle touch of commitment.

By James Long

I have heard there is a difference between a house and a home,
You’ve heard that too,I’m sure
I have seen
a home degenerate to a group of lonely people,
caged by the same four walls-
a house.
And I have seen the bars ripped away,
replacing loneliness with life-
a home.
just what it is that makes the difference?
It is a touch.
A touch can rip the bars away
A gentle touch.
A touch of commitment.

As parents- what does it meanto have commitment in a relationship- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

It is a touch of love
A touch of submission
A touch of affection
that says, “Your plans are mine”
It’s a touch of respect
that says, “We cannot be separated.
We will run together through life
in joy
and in love.”

What does it mean to have commitment in a relationship?

It is a touch of responsible,loving leadership
A touch of concern that prepares;
That spends its energy in meaningful service.
An extension of the family,
reaching out to other homes.
It is a strong but gentle touch that does not forget
in reaching out to others
it must touch first
its own home.

As a family- what does it meanto have commitment in a relationship- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

if that difference whispers
in those minor catastrophes,
surely it
shouts in life’s big adversities.
how does it shout?
It shouts in tenderness.
It shouts in love.
That same touch-
a gentle touch-
that rips at bars of loneliness,
reaches out to comfort in illness,
to encourage in depression.
And as it does, that gentle touch shouts in commitment,
“I love you!”

Mother-what does it mean to have commitment in a relationship- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

There is
a subtle difference between a
house and a home.
It shows in such little
a broken bottle,
spilled milk,
unexpected company,
an untimely flat tire.
in that subtle difference
a gentle touch of commitment whispers
“I love you!”
It is a touch that teaches
Kids learn to share
and a family grows
in love.
There is concern,
There is cooperation,

The family bond- what does it meanto have commitment in a relationship- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

The touch that teaches is a touch that leads;
that turns a family
from the early years of carnival childhood through the transition years of awakening adulthood
It is a touch,
a gentle touch of commitment,
leading a family to know,
to love,
to obey,
to follow
the One who reaches out to touch them in gentleness,
and who calls them to unhesitating commitment.
Jesus Christ.

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What does it mean to have commitment in a relationship?

Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me

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