What are some qualities that toddlers have and we don’t? Don’t underestimate these little ones. There’s a lot that we can learn from them! Here are 5 qualities that according to me are worth mastering from the life of a toddler
As adults, we have such a skewed view of life. Making things more complicated than they seem, we overthink and manipulate (even unknowingly) all the time, for power, for success, for control.
Toddlers, however, seem much closer to the pure version of life. Governed by love, they always seem happy and enthusiastic and have no hesitation in expressing themselves.
No wonder, a child’s laughter and innocence is the best medicine for low spirits. It can totally open up a sad heart!
So here are 5 qualities of a regular toddler, that I feel, we all must give a try, when it comes to life.
Just yesterday, I noticed my son observing the orange, I was about to feed. He insistently refused to hand me back the fruit and continued to feel its creases with excitement.
Delighted with the fresh fragrance, he tested it’s weight, as though it was a ball. I wondered what he was thinking!
He took a good five minutes, before giving it back it to me. I’ve seen him do this before with other food items, water, toys, general home stuff and even when we go out.
Usually, I press on to the goal of making him finish his food or water or task. But now, I know, that my son has been doing the right thing.
He is living each moment, applying every sense, slowly and steadily, trying to understand the environment he is living in.

How I wish I could do that! Savoring every dish, being there in the moment, with my cooking, cleaning, my conversations, my meetings, enjoying every activity, without worrying about anything, and with that simple joy and childlike approach.
I can say that my son is very much driven by curiosity. He’s constantly in the pursuit of solving what in his world may be puzzles.
“What’s lying on the topmost rack of the house? Is there a dinosaur behind those closed wardrobe doors? What will happen if I throw my toy like that? Can I fix open and close the bottle on my own? ….Wow….this strange dark thing moves with me whenever there is some bright light. ”
He’s always on the look out of something and expresses utmost joy, if he’s able to tackle it.
I wonder if I can ever be as curious as my son. It’s funny right, how we keep repeating our mundane routines without a curiosity for anything.
We are in a race, that doesn’t have a finish line! Some day, yes I would like to prod on the unusual, not for the social media attention I hope, but to live that little moment of joy of achieving something unexpected.
Steve, my son, doesn’t take a minute to dive into something that’s new or exciting. He climbs onto the table, jumps from the sofa, somersaults on the floor and rolls away on the bed like a Panda bear.
He scares me out of my wits most days (He’s just 2, you know). As parents we do worry about his safety, but I’ve often admired his courage.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be this fearless in our lives? Fearless to ask for a rightful raise, fearless to travel alone, fearless to apologize for what was wrong, fearless to say no where necessary, without worrying about the outcomes.
I now know, that the few courageous decisions I made in my life, are the ones that I hold good memories of.
Building blocks is one activity that my son absolutely loves. He enjoys building huge towers, small abstract shapes, planes and trains with those colourful things.
These structures, however, break apart, when he is not careful enough to place them properly. Every time the structure breaks, he is upset for a second and then tries persistently, till he finds a way to keep the blocks stable.

Although I claim to be more patient than my husband, I know I lose my determination for a task, many times. I give up easily and jump to plan B. I know people who make even plan C and D!!
It can be daunting specially if there’s a deadline, a party at home, a presentation tomorrow, a closure meeting on the 1st etc etc But how many times do we give plan A, a second chance? Or maybe convert plan A into plan A+- that’s being creative right?
Many times at home, when I’m really tired, my son out of his usual naughtiness will do things that bug me- like throw the books on the floor, run into the bathroom where he’s not allowed, break the pile of neatly folded laundry and I would break out in frustration.
After a few “nos” and “please don’t do that” I get onto scolding him or giving a little spanking on his bum. Sometimes he would laugh that out in mockery, but other times his tears would gush out of his eyes instantly.
He would cry his heart out for the next 5 minutes and almost immediately, he would reach out and HUG me!!
My guilty heart breaks down every time he does that.
How easy it is for him to forgive and forget, I’ve wondered!
Forgiveness is such a difficult virtue to practice, really. When a dear one hurts me, I habitually jump into arguments- trying to make the other one own up to his/her fault so that my fallen pride is cared for most graciously.
Forgiveness is what makes a marriage work too!
A little forgiving every day brings out the best in any relationship. Yes, it is difficult to apply this, in a world that aims for us to be selfish and individualistic, but it is the real thing!
There’s so much to learn from this little boy of mine and as I’m writing, I begin to recognize another responsibility – how do I help him retain these special qualities in life!
Any idea? Please share in the comments below.
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Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me
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