
My reflections on the Being Habitually Healthy Challenge 2019

My reflections on the BHH challenge 2019

The Being Habitually Healthy (BHH) Challenge started on September 9th, with the aim of creating habits around a healthy lifestyle in me and my friends. Today, as the duration comes to an end,I wish to put down my thoughts on how the challenge worked for me in specific and what I aim to do next. 

My reflections on the Being Habitually Healthy Challenge 2019 Read More »

10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before

10 ways to boost your sleep- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Did you know that your busy schedules could be interfering your natural biological rhythms, that help induce sleep? Are you aware that nature has a resource of mechanism to help you get quality sleep? There’s a lot more to sleep than what you’ve been thinking till now! As the Being Habitually Healthy challenge treads into

10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before Read More »

My challenges and wins in the BHH challenge

My challenges and wins in the BHH Challenge- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Priyanka my friend and accountability partner for the BHH challenge shares her experience about the routine so far by Priyanka Singh I started the BHH (Being Habitually Healthy) challenge in September with a lot of excitement and mental preparation. In a challenge, it is common to face disappointments, so I was glad that we had

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4 excuses that keep me from being habitually fit

fitness- being habitually healthy

Are you like me, making excuses for not prioritizing fitness? Is your monotonous routine taking away the focus on your own health? What is stopping you from being habitually fit? What can be done to stay active? The one thing that I was dreading all along the Being Habitually Healthy challenge is the physical activity

4 excuses that keep me from being habitually fit Read More »

My diet and routine for being habitually healthy

My diet and routine for being habitually healthy

Can you believe it? It’s almost a month since we started the Being Habitually Healthy challenge! I think for me, the new routine using the 16/8 intermittent fasting method, is finally settling in. I am able to control my hunger in the mornings now and the early dinners have become easier to follow as well.

My diet and routine for being habitually healthy Read More »

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