10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before

10 ways to boost your sleep- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Did you know that your busy schedules could be interfering your natural biological rhythms, that help induce sleep? Are you aware that nature has a resource of mechanism to help you get quality sleep? There’s a lot more to sleep than what you’ve been thinking till now!

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As the Being Habitually Healthy challenge treads into its last phase, I find myself more and more convinced of the fact that healthy living is a lifestyle decision! All my life I knew that “Health is wealth” but why is it “wealth” and a factor to be taken very seriously, is something that I am slowly realizing.

Just the other day, I was reading up on sleep and I found this book by Shawn Stevenson called “Sleep Smarter“. In the book, Shawn beautifully explains why we don’t sleep well, given our busy lifestyle and what we must do to improve the quality of our sleep.

So I thought it will be great to share some of his points with you. However, if you need more information and especially his tips on improving your quality of sleep, I would encourage you to buy the book or it’s kindle version. You can also download the app “Audible” and get this as your first audio book, for free

Read books based on feelings with Audible

Poor sleep makes you dumber

Studies show that there is a reduction of 12-14% percent in glucose reaching the parietal lobe and prefrontal cortex of the brain, when you are sleep deprived!! These are areas that we need for thinking, decision making,and logical reasoning and so the energy lost is quite an amount!!

Have you made a poor decision when you were working late on an assignment? Now you know why!

It is also due to lack of this glucose, that the brain goes into a survival mode. So technically, you are almost pushed by your brain to reach out for that tempting glazed donut, when you’re sleep deprived.

It was never your fault my friend!

Poor sleep makes you dumb- 10 facts about sleep that you may not know- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

If you miss getting sunlight you miss a good night’s sleep

Sunlight triggers a very powerful hormone called Melatonin. This hormone is produced by the Pineal gland and is the regulator for a human’s sleep-wake cycle, meaning that this is the hormone which creates the best possible environment in your body and soothes you to sleep.

Now as babies, the levels of these hormones are naturally high but as we grow in age, they tend to decrease in the body, making our schedules delayed.

So sunlight (especially during 6:00 am to 8:30 am) contributes to a large extent in getting a good sleep at the end of the day!

Now you know why you sleep soundly after a day out in the field?

get your daily dose of sunlight-10 facts about sleep that you may not know- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Night time screening can disrupt your natural biological rhythms

The artificial blue light from your screens (computers, iPads, smartphones, televisions etc) disrupt your natural secretion of sleep hormones (including melatonin). With continuous use especially at night, they can even lead to chronic problems and serious health issues!

Now you know why your loved ones tell you to stop watching TV or using the phone when it’s time to sleep?

Don't get obsessed for Covid-19 updates- Tips and resources for Covid-19 lockdown period- Being Rubitah- family conversations here
Don’t get obsessed for Covid-19 updates

Caffeine in any form can cause sleep troubles

According to Shawn, caffeine doesn’t give you energy the way that you believe it does! All day while you’re awake, the neurons in your brain are firing and producing a byproduct called “adenosine”. When your nervous system finds the levels going higher than the suitable range, it pushes your body to go to sleep and supresses arousal or alertness.

Now caffeine (in coffee, tea or chocolate) starts blocking the receptors for adenosine. So where you are usually pushed to go to sleep when tired, you suddenly find instant energy. The important thing to note here is- that your body is still tired and longing for rest!

Caffeine also has a half life of around 5-8 hours. Meaning that if you consumed say 100 mg of caffeine at 11 am, you would still have 50 mg of it remaining even at 4 pm and about 25 mg at 12 am!! A regular capuccino has 43 mg/100 ml.

Now you know why you feel extremely tired and are yet extremely awake if you had coffee especially after 6 pm?

Say no to caffeine-10 facts about sleepthat you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

You get the most beneficial hormone secretions and recovery between 10 pm to 2 am

You may be getting your 8 hours of sleep, but if it doesn’t include the above time period then you’re missing on a lot of good hormones. Ofcourse, anything beyond this period is a bonus and good.

Melatonin, again comes in the strongest doses during this time. The hormone is also the reason why you look young and glowing.

Now you know why they call it a beauty sleep right?

Sleep timing- 10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Magnesium intake optimizes your sleep

The anti-stress mineral has so many functions in the body like producing energy, catalyzing 300 biochemical reactions, maintaining and relaxing normal nerve and muscle functions, supporting immune system, adjusting blood glucose levels, keeping the heartbeat steady and helping the bones remain strong, that it gets quickly depleted from our bodies.

So much more reason for us to consume a diet rich with magnesium. These include green leafy vegetables, fruits like banana, figs, nuts and seeds, whole grains, tofu and milk.

Now you know what to eat to help improve your sleep!

Magnesium is important for sleep-10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Opening your window in the day, can help you with sleep

The air that you breathe carries more than just oxygen into your cells. It also carries free electrons that attack all kinds of odours, dust, pollen, smoke, fungi, mold, parasites and toxic substances, thus making it a safe place for you to sleep soundly!

As the air inside your home remains stagnant ,these electrons lose their function, making your house, less energizing and stuffy.

Now you know why you should open the windows, first thing in the morning?

Breathe-10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Your skin can sense sleep

So remember to darken the room completely, when you’re ready to sleep in the night. Yes, because your skin can actually sense light! When your skin’s receptors receive light signals, they send messages to your brain and organs, thus interfering in your natural process to sleep!

Not just that studies show that any kind of light, during sleep hours suppresses your melatonin levels by 50%!!

Now you know why it’s not a good idea to have even the dim light on while sleeping?

Black out-10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Quality exercise and sleep have to go together like bread and butter

You get the reward of a quality exercise routine (one that includes weight lifting) only if you properly rest and recover.

While exercising, your body actually makes it’s condition worse because it tears down your muscles, tissues and increases inflammation. It is only when you sleep properly, that the body releases healthy hormones that help you recover quickly, thus speeding up the benefit of the exercise you had undertaken!

Exercise and sleep go together-10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Losing your body fat will help you get better sleep

According to Shawn, if you have a higher than necessary body fat, you are giving out high levels of “cortisol” after every single meal.

Now cortisol is otherwise good for controlling blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation and assisting with memory formulation, but at high levels this can completely turn around it’s functions creating higher levels of blood sugar,increasing inflammation and can also become the cause for anxiety and depression.

Now you know why you need to lose that extra fat?

Lose fat-10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Your pillow might be hindering your natural state of rest

Did you know that you would naturally have your head lower when you lie on your back, without a pillow? (you are trying that right now, aren’t you?)

What is really amazing is that this natural position makes it easier for your body to pump out blood to your brain, helping it to work effectively during this crucial time of rest and recovery.

Now you know why they always tell you to ditch the pillow?

Ditch the pillow-10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Night rituals are not just for children

Normally what kind of a ritual would you create for your child? Give a warm bath, change him into pajamas, recite a story, make him pray or help him write a journal and then finally sing him to sleep, isn’t it?

Well, dear adult babies (as Shawn calls out in the book) we are all creatures of pattern. We all need routine and schedules for our bodies to work effectively!

So adopt the same rituals for yourself- take a warm bath, get into clean and loose clothes, read a book, pray or meditate for a few minutes or write a journal, and then try to sleep.

You will find your mind and body slowly paving the way to sleep, even without your knowing!

Night rituals-10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

Get yourself grounded

We are a part of the creation around us and yet we interact so little on a daily basis, these days. We rarely touch the ground, feel the grass and get intimate with nature.

There is a lot of research that states that just by touching the ground and interacting with nature, you can recover from stress and inflammation related issues.

It is like the air inside a room that I mentioned before. When you touch mother nature in any of its forms, you open your body to free electrons that neutralize free radicals, stop overly aggressive oxidation and decrease inflammation thus reducing stress, improving heart rate variability and normalization of muscle tension.

So imagine the case when you sleep on natural grass or soil!

Now you know why you feel so connected and refreshed when you run bare feet on the beach or climb a tree?

Grounding- 10 ways to boost your sleep that you may have never known before- Being Rubitah- family conversations here

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10 facts about sleep that you may have never known before

Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me

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