What can possibly be going on in the mind of a two-year-old?
7:00 am
I woke up to the sound of some chatter in the kitchen.
What? Mama and Dada are already out of bed?? How dare they?
“Mammaaa” I called out.
No response
No response
“MAMMMMAAAAAAAAAA” (I screamed in full volume)
Hmmm, she’s coming. Finally!
With tears I generate without any effort, I cried “Pal! Pal! Pal! Pal thaaa PAL thaaaaa!!” (”Milk! Milk! Milk! I want MILK!!)
No Mama. I don’t need a cuddle. I know it’s your way of making me go back to sleep.
“Noooooo NO sleep. Go go go Pal pal pal” I said (“Noooooo NO sleep. Go Go Go Give me Milk! Milk! Milk!”)
Sad I had to brush first, but hey it’s my spiderman brush. Tshh Tshh (I shot some webs on the mirror with my wrist).
No mama, I know how to brush. I shall do it myself!
7.30 am
(While drinking my milk)
Why is Dada dancing around the room? Hahaha oh yes! He doesn’t know I hid his car keys in the shoe rack last night. What fun!
Oh no. Mama found it. He has to go to office now.
How good Dada looks in his tie! Will hide “that” tomorrow!
8.00 am
I can’t sit like this. I have important work! Where are my cars? Why is this place so neat?
(Topples the whole box of toys)
There! That’s more like it. Oh the cars aren’t here. Where did mama keep them?

“Mama! Mama! Mama!”
“Cars enthe?” (Where are the cars?)
Mama’s pointing towards the sofa. Must be under the sofa cushions.
(Throws all the cushions down.)
Uh oh Mama’s upset!
8.30 am
What is Mama up to? She seems busy in the kitchen. I hate that she doesn’t let me get in there. One day I will manage that too!
My green lunchbox! (smiles). It’s school day today? Let’s go to school!!
“Mama, school povam?” (Mama, let’s go to school)
“Mama, school? povam?” (Mama, let’s go to school)
“Mama, let’s go”
“Let’s go Mama!”
Hehehe….somebody look at Mama’s face! It is SO funny!
Hey that’s my bag.
“My bag! My bag. Mama my bag!”
(Takes the bag)
“Let’s go Mama?”
Is that a bike on that tshirt. Wow!
(throws the bag down)
“Mama! That one that one”
Why doesn’t she just let me choose my dress? Hey I’m the one going to school! The bike’s definitely in fashion.
Yes! Powder.
Oopsie daisies!
12:15 pm
(Back from school.)
How did this place get clean again?
Hand wash check. Feet wash check. I don’t know why they do this. Check.
Yummmm Apple!!
“Noooo. NO bath Mama.Pleeeeasseee”
I’m so tired. Oh I’m soooo sleepy.
I think I should cry no let me scream for a change.
“Come sit”
Mama I don’t want lunch. I love to sit next to you. I love your arms around me. I think I want to sleep.
“NO SLEEP! No NO sleep!”
Phew that was close.
1:30 pm
(Lunch time)
“No small spoon. Biiiig spoon Mama?”
Hmm. What’s in my plate? What’s in Mama’s plate? What’s in Dada’s plate?
It’s exchange time!
Huh! Mama thought she could fool me. I knew there would be more crackers in Dada’s plate!
2:30 pm
Hey what’s this that Mama’s brought. The Broooom!!
Yayy I just love stepping on the dirty stuff on the floor, when Mama’s cleaning up after lunch. Then when she tries to catch me- I go whooooooossshhh. So easy to dodge her!
I’m bored and tired. Where are my blocks?
(Topples the toy box again)

Oh no my plane went under the sofa. These cushions always come in my way!
(Throws the cushions down)
Uh oh Mama’s upset!
3.00 pm
“Mama SLEEP. Let’s sleep. Go sleep.”
(On lying down)
What’s this thing floating through the ray of sunlight? I try to catch it in my hand but it’s fast to escape. It’s beautiful.
I love it when Mama sings to me. I love her arms around me. I think I want to sleep.
5.00 pm
I woke up to the clanging sounds in the kitchen.
No response
Let me see what she’s doing. I’m pretty sure she’s hiding my chocolates.
(Walks to the kitchen and sees Mama but doesn’t see chocolates)
No response
“Mama Cho-co-late?”
No not hugs. I want chocolate!
This is definitely not working. Let’s get back to basics.
(With some tears I generate without any effort)
“Pal! Pal! Pal! Pal thaaa PAL thaaAAAAA!!” (”Milk! Milk! Milk! I want MILK!!)
5:30 pm
I think I’ve got my energy back. Let’s test it out!
(Jumps on the sofa)
“Ye ye ye!! The wheels on the bus go round and round! ye ye ye!!”
I just don’t understand Mama. Jumping is so much fun!
This place is clean AGAIN?!!
Now where are my toys?
Whats that on the table?
Oh I forgot my Bow Bow (stuffed toy) on the bed. Let me get it.
(On reaching the bedroom)
My towel is so beautiful. It definitely deserves a place in the living room.
Ha ha ha Mama’s face!! Catch me if you can Mamaaa!

I love colouring with Mama. She draws so many pictures for me every day.
Let’s switch on the TV. These buttons are MAGIC!!
Uh Oh
“Mama. TV poyi. (TVs gone)
Peppa pig? Nah I like George. He’s so much cooler and he LOVES dinosaurs like me!
“NO Mama I do not cry like George”
7.30 pm
(Dada is back from office.)
“Dadaaaaaa!!! “
(Jumps to hug Dada)
“Dada! Dada! Dada!”
“Mama! Dada chai“
Dada is so much fun! I love wrestling with him.
I also love jumping on his belly. It’s just like a spring.
8.30 pm
(It’s dinner time.)
Hmm. What’s in my plate? What’s in Dada’s plate?
I love when Dada and I eat from the same plate.
(Post dinner)
“Dada ball?”
Dada and me both bump into each other.
“Kondi kondi Mamaaaaa Kondi. WaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH” (“I’m hurt I’m hurt Mamaaaaaa I’m hurt)
Hahaha got you!
Oops looks like Dada was the one who got hurt.
10:00 pm
(Its bed time.)
“Dada go Dada go SLEEP”
I don’t understand why he even tries to resist me.
Mama said prayer
(Catches Dada’s T-shirt. )
“Gooo Gooo Pray! GO Yeshu time!”
I love it when we sit together to pray.
I don’t know who Yeshu is but He’s definitely somebody important.
“Yeshu. Thank you.”
One hug to Dada
One hug to Mama
All hugs to Meee!
Sleep? NO sleep! NOOO sleep
I love Mama’s arms around me. I love her goodnight kisses. I think I want to sleep.
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Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me
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