The message of Easter is the most important reminder of God’s love.
The two major festivals Christians celebrate are Christmas and Easter. Falling between March 22nd and April 25th. Easter is comparatively less known, by our non- Christian friends because it falls on a Sunday. Besides, it is not as commercialized as Christmas.
However, it is our Feast of Feasts. On this day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. It falls on the Sunday after Good Friday (the day of crucifixion).
A fifty-day fast precedes Easter, for the Orthodox Christians. It is a day of rejoicing that Jesus has conquered sin and death.

Easter comes in spring. Spring is a season of new life, beauty and radiance. A season when flowers bloom, birds sing and trees bud. Easter is also a festival of beauty, radiance, hope, joy and a new life in Christ.
At baptism we are united with Christ. Thus, we are crucified in union with Him and resurrected into eternal life with Him. Therefore Christians have hope after death.
Our Christian journey does not end with death. Rather, we begin a new journey enjoying eternal life with Jesus. Resurrection leads to eternal life. As children of God we become a new creation.

Jesus died on a cross. He was buried in a tomb. However, no one ever found His mortal remains there. Why ? Because He conquered death and the devil and rose up proving that He was the mighty Son of God, with the holy nature of God. If there had been no resurrection, there would have been no Christianity.
After His resurrection and before His ascension, He appeared to many of His followers. He spoke to them, explained scripture to them and even shared meals with them. Thus they were strengthened to preach the gospel. Luke 24 in the Bible tells us how two angels appeared to the women who went to visit Jesus’ tomb and told them “He is not here. He has risen.” Later He appeared to his disciples.
Crucifixion was painful. Easter is about how we can overcome everything in unison with Christ. In such a sense, we celebrate Easter every time we face a difficult situation positively, in union with Christ, every time we shatter despair and bring hope, every time we forgive and forget and give others dignity, every time we offer help to the needy.
On Easter, Christians go to church. Very often it is to attend a night service or a sunrise service. There is rejoicing and they greet each other saying “Christ has risen. Indeed He has risen!” They express their joy by wearing new clothes and cooking and eating tasty food – especially after the long fast.

Some Easter symbols are hot cross buns, the lamb, Easter lilies and Easter eggs. Hot cross buns are called so, because they display the sign of the cross. The Easter Lily has a very dry unattractive bulb. Suddenly the bulb bursts into life and blossoms into the beautiful Lily, depicting Christ’s resurrection. Just as an egg appears lifeless Christ’s body appeared lifeless but was resurrected. The egg also can grow into a life.
The message of Easter is a message of hope for mankind. Halleluiah! I end with the familiar song:
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow;
Because He lives all fear is gone;
Because I know, yes I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.
God sent His son, they call Him Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Saviour lives.
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