A lot of us wonder about this. God knows us from before we were born. He also has a plan for our life. Why pray when God knows our needs?
One day after watching something on TV, I told my son Steve to pray that the corona virus leaves our world for good.
He replied in his animated 4 year old tone “It’s everywhere. Doesn’t God know?” I smiled. Yes God knows. He knows our pains. He sees our sufferings.
Then why should we pray?
Does God really need our prayers to make something happen?
Is the purpose of prayer only to make our needs heard?
Parent child relationship
To understand this I’d like to talk about my relationship with my son, because that’s how I understood my relationship with God.
As a mother I don’t “need” my son in the literal sense.
His achievements are my achievements. His challenges are mine too. When he cries, it pains me. When he is happy, I am overjoyed.
As a child he always wants to know my thoughts on everything that he does. He seeks my approval and hopes for my involvement in all his tasks. He wishes that I say yes to all his wants!
My husband and I are probably his only source of security. He feels protected and provided for, with us.
I’m primarily the person from whom he learns more about the world and how to deal with it. The person with whom he can feel strong even when he is weak.
So why pray when God knows our needs?
I’m sure you got it by now. The short answer is because prayer is a response to love and we need prayer in order to love.
Our relationship with God is just the same.
He doesn’t need our prayers. But when we go to Him with our requests and stories, He is delighted to hear us.
He complies to what He knows is good for us and doesn’t give in to all our wishes for the sake of our own good.
When we pray to understand His will, He shows us, whispering in our hearts.
He gives us the confidence to take decisions and the security of making mistakes.
When we express our disappointment, hurt or loss in prayer, He cares. And therefore protects us in His powerful cuddle of strength and mercy so we can recover from our vulnerable selves.
When we confess our sins to Him with a repentant heart, He is overjoyed because our relationship can now be restored and He could show us clearly what He has planned for us!
Can prayer change things
If my son were to pursue me for something he needed I would definitely consider it. But because I’m more experienced and aware about consequences, I may or may not grant it to him. Simply because I want the best for him.
I believe it is just the same with God. He can change things for us but only if we have a righteous heart and are genuinely seeking for good.
How can I pray more effectively
The easiest way is to follow the Lord’s Prayer.
Start with acknowledging who He is (Our Father who art in heaven)
Praise Him for the wonderful things He has done in your life and express your need for His presence in your life (Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.)
Declare that you accept God’s will (Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven)
Put across all your needs (Give us this day our daily bread).
Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness (And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us)
Ask for protection and grace for things you don’t have control on (Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one)
End with praise and conviction (For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. Forever and ever. Amen)
Never avoid this connection of prayer with God in the same way as you would never want to lose your connection with your parents!
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Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me
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