Why is it important to attend church

Why do we need to attend church- Being Rubitah- family conversations

Do you wonder why certain Christians attend church regularly? Have you at times thought, that going to church was a waste of time and effort? If God is in our hearts, why go to a place to worship Him?

During my childhood, my parents took me to church regularly. So attending church became a habit I could not forsake, even after marriage. I felt guilty if I did not attend church because I knew it wasn’t right. As the years passed, I grew spiritually and today I can say with conviction that attending church and participating in church activities, brings many blessings.

Here are some of the reasons why we should be part of a church:

We are commanded to do so

Hebrews 10:25 says  –  “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”   

If we are not obedient to God, we miss out on deeper spiritual experiences.We must remember that the church is not a building, an organism or an organization. It is the assembly of believing people.  People constitute church and we honour God, when we gather together.

We love God and want to worship Him.

Through worship we express our love for Him. God created us to worship Him. ( Revelation 22:3 ) Worship focuses on God and is holy and pleasing to Him. So we find joy and satisfaction in worshiping the Almighty God, the Heavenly creator and King of Kings. We feel uplifted. Thus worship guides and sustains us.

The church is the body of Christ- Why is it important  to attend Church- Being Rubitah- family faith
Our Church- the Body of Christ

The church is the body of Christ (Romans 12:5)

We Christians, as chosen people, have been baptized into the body of Christ. So we are all connected to each other through Christ. The organs of our physical body will function properly, only if they are connected to each other.

Similarly as members of Christ’s spiritual body we will find fruitfulness and true meaning in spiritual life only if we are connected to Christ’s body. 

To keep the connection with this body ( the church ) we have to assemble together regularly. Otherwise our spiritual life will suffer just as a hand or a leg will shrivel and die, if cut off from the body.

The church is the House of God (1 Timothy 3: 15)

The church is the household of God, built on foundations of apostles, prophets and Jesus Christ Himself as the cornerstone ( Ephesians 2: 19 ) . So when a person attends church he becomes conscious of himself, not as a follower of some kind of school, but as a person built into an unwavering, centuries old rock. He feels firm.

Jesus Christ loved the church and gave His life for it

The church is referred to as the ‘Bride of Christ’. So to say ” I don’t need the church” is sheer arrogance and ignorance. 

The Church, our spiritual family- Why is it important to attend Church- Being Rubitah - family faith
The Church, our spiritual family

The church is our spiritual family

We must interact with each of the members in love, just as we interact with members of our biological family. We should stay connected if we really want to make spiritual progress.

We need to encourage one another, confess our faith to one another,  support each other, admit our weaknesses, help one another and be a blessing to one another.

Some people in church are hypocritical and irritating in their speech. However, that should not be a reason for our not attending church. We must bear with each other’s weaknesses and faults, respect our differences, be courteous and give up self-centredness. We must love all people just as as Jesus loved, encouraged and prayed for all people, regardless of their drawbacks.

Thus as we attend church, we get trained to produce the fruits of the Spirit. We grow in love for God and for others. God points out to us the areas where we have to mature. Sharing life together prepares us for our heavenly home.

We cannot be true Christians in isolation. We need each other.

The church is God’s design for spiritual growth and health

The sacraments of the church help in dedicating, sanctifying and illuminating a person. The sacrament of the Eucharist specially reminds us of all that Jesus has done for us.

Sacraments are the means of receiving God’s grace with the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in the church. This is the truth which can be understood, by those who have experienced it. It cannot be researched or debated because it is accessible only through participation and experience.

So attending church helps us to grow in grace and helps us on our way to salvation. 

The Church- a place to bring glory to God- Why is it important to attend Church- Being Rubitah - family faith
The Church- a place to bring glory to God

We get a chance to glorify God with our talents

When we are part of a church we get a chance to exercise our talents ( maybe leadership, counselling, teaching or cooking ) there – all for the glory of God.

We can rely on the church in times of difficulties

The church becomes a community of support for members in  times of  grief or need . They mourn with us and also join  in our joys and celebrations. We develop a sense of belonging to the church .

We retain grace

When we do not attend church we miss out on loving Jesus, stirring or encouraging others towards love and good work, caring for the poor and needy, encouraging others by your presence and support, serving others and taking our eyes off ourselves, the blessing and instruction of corporate praying.

We also miss out on the sermons, scriptural instructions, insights given by the vicar or other elders, biblical correction and discipline available for the unfaithful abusive spouse, family counselling and so on. 

Gathering together or assembling together has been the pattern established  by the first followers of Jesus Christ – His disciples.

Historically and biblically Christianity has appeared before us in the form of  a harmonious and unanimous community. Outside of the community there were no Christians.

To come to believe in Christ, to become a Christian meant unity with the church ( Acts 2 & 5 )  Each new believer was like a branch grafted to the tree of church life. Saint Paul , immediately after his dramatic conversion, became united with the church which was a visible community. The Lord does not want to see His servants outside of the church.

Unity within the Church- - Why is it important to attend Church- Being Rubitah - family faith
Unity within the Church

I would like to end by telling you the story of a sailor.

One day his ship was caught in a rough squall, accompanied by brisk winds. He stood on the deck and searched the sea and sky for objects that might endanger the ship.

He was surprised to see a sparrow land on a rail next to him. Its small breast was heaving for breath and it seemed to have no energy to fly away.

He quickly reached out and placed it in his shirt pocket inside his warm jacket and then went about his duties. The bird did not move in his pocket as the storm raged.

After the storm passed he checked to see if he bird was breathing. It was breathing, alive and rested. He gently took it out and tossed it into the air. It flew straight towards land and was out of sight. 

This story the sailor said, reminded him how a man can fall into inactivity in the church ( the sparrow sitting on the rail ). Sin and bad decisions (storm) can make him stop attending church.

The intervention of the One who Cares ( the man ) can change tracks. Once he is back to track, he lives fully.

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Why is it important to attend church

Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me

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2 thoughts on “Why is it important to attend church”

  1. I agree with what you said that attending church worship service gives an individual a sense of belonging since they know they can rely on their community in times of mourning or celebrating. Ever since I moved out of my parent’s home, I haven’t been back to church. Perhaps I should start attending a church worship service nearby soon again. Thanks for this.

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