Cough and cold are common in children, yet when we find our little ones struggling to sleep or play in peace, we can’t help feeling sorry for them. So what can help?
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I clearly remember when Steve, my son, had his first viral infection. We were in Delhi those days. At around 5 months of age, my little baby was arching his chest whenever he coughed. He could hardly sleep and was frequently crying from discomfort.
As a mother, I really wanted to provide him with some immediate relief. So I visited a pediatrician, who prescribed some medicines for Steve’s cough and cold. Sadly it did not help his health at all.
Finally, after 3 days, when the cough seemed to get only worse, I decided to take Steve to another pediatrician. She was recommended by my cousin and followed a minimal medicine policy.
I was shocked when she shared that the medicines I was giving my baby were combination medicines and were not even recommended for children under one year!!
Apparently in the US and in many other countries, the Food and Drug Administration authorities strongly recommend against giving OTC (over the counter) cough and cold medicines to children under 4, due to the risk of side effects.
She then calmly explained that coughs and colds are normal in children and it is their body’s way of pushing out the germs and developing immunity. “Every cough or cold has a cycle of 7-10 days so his condition will improve by the end of that period”, she assured.
She was right. Steve did get back to his normal self after a few days with no medicines. Yet, even after moving to Bahrain, I have taken medicines for my 2 year old’s cough and cold and most of the times I have been disappointed. Yes, some of them do help in getting better sleep at nights but the cough or cold, I’ve noticed goes away only in its due time.
Home remedies, on the other hand, have helped me quite a lot. Even if the cough or cold takes it’s time, these remedies have definitely brought relief to my little one. They have even in a few instances, immediately arrested the cold as well.
So here are some home remedies for treating cough and cold conditions in babies and toddlers. Remember that they are not absolute cures, but they do help in boosting the immunity of your child and reducing the symptoms that distress your child, ensuring a quick recovery. If your child has a cough or cold that prolongs for more than 10 days, please consult a doctor.

Nursing or breastfeeding
This is considered the most natural way of treating babies for colds. Why this is effective is because mothers are protective in their very own body composition, almost literally. (Yes, that’s how God has created us! Amazing!)
When babies have an illness, a cough or cold in this case, mothers are able to put on a fight with the pathogens by creating soldiers of their own. These soldiers are called antibodies and they are produced naturally in breast-milk!
These antibodies are so customized that they attack the pathogens (virus or bacteria) in the baby’s body without hurting the healthy cells. They also have the amazing ability of ignoring the good bacteria found in the baby’s gut.
Breast milk also contains a huge amount of white blood cells that fight infection directly and activate other defense mechanisms in the baby’s body.
Recommended for – babies and toddlers
Dosage- nurse as often as you can or as much as your child demands
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Nasal drops or saline solution
You see your child’s runny nose and your heart sinks knowing that an infection is about to start. From a clear white fluid, the discharge from the nose turns into green and sometimes yellow in just a few days.
Nasal congestion is a part of most cold infections and causes distress to your little one. The stuffy nose, which is majorly due to an excessive collection of mucus inside the nose, interferes in their normal breathing and is specially a disturbance during their sleep time.
This is where these saline solutions work wonders.
Hold your baby or toddler upright, tilt his or her head slightly and release 1-2 drops in the first nasal passage. Pause and then release 1-2 drops in the second nasal passage.
The solution helps in loosening the thick mucus and in moistening the nasal passages. It also sometimes stimulates the child to sneeze. The running mucus should then be wiped off or collected using a nasal aspirator.
Recommended for- babies and toddlers
Dosage- 1-2 drops in each nasal passage before nursing or food and before sleep time.

Medicinal pouches
These medicinal pouches (or potlis as called in India) are age old remedies, passed down from generations, in Indian households. Consisting of 2 main ingredients namely garlic and carom seeds (ajwain), they help in clearing the congestion in your child’s chest.
Take 2 garlic cloves and a tablespoon of carom seeds or ajwain and dry roast them in a pan till a nice aroma comes around. Let the mixture cool down completely and then transfer it into a small clean square shaped cloth. Take the ends of the cloth and tie them into knots. Make 2-3 of such pouches (or potlis).
Place one pouch on the bare chest of your child or baby while he or she sleeps. If your little one is a restless type carefully pin it to his or her clothing near the chest. If you are unsure of this method, you can even place 2-3 of these pouches, near your baby, during naps.
The fragrance and the natural heat from the mixture will act as a natural expectorant and diminish the production of phlegm. This helps in reducing the duration of the infection too.
Do remember to change the medicinal pouches every 2 days.
Recommended for: babies and toddlers
Dosage- During naps for babies. For toddlers, anytime, all the time.
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Steam inhalation with Eucalyptus oil
Another home remedy for stuffy noses and chest congestion is to have a daily routine of steam inhalation, with Eucalyptus essential oil.
Eucalyptus oil that is derived from Eucalyptus trees, is a proven remedy for chest congestion and for loosening the mucus in respiratory tracts, but since we are talking about babies and toddlers, the best way to get its benefit, would be to take it with steam.
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Pour one drop of Eucalyptus oil into a vessel of boiling water and help your toddler to inhale the steam from an arm’s distance. Ensure that the distance is maintained, else it may result in burns.
For babies, you can either steam up your bathroom and then sit with your baby there or you can put the vessel or steam inhaler near the crib or bed so the baby can inhale it from a distance.
To maintain hygiene, do remember to clean the vessel or product and change the water every day.
Recommended for -babies, toddlers, anyone
Dosage- one small drop of Eucalyptus oil for 500 ml of water. It can be taken 3-4 times a day, for 5 minutes each .

Garlic oil
Garlic is much known for its antimicrobial properties and is powerful because of it’s immunity boosting compounds. When raw garlic is freshly crushed or cut and then eaten, it is said to act as a preventive measure for many illnesses including, viral infections, heart conditions and dementia.
Garlic infused oil is thus considered a very effective remedy for coughs and colds.
Using a fork, roast 2 cloves of garlic directly on fire, till they turn almost black in colour. Pour 2 tablespoons of oil in a small bowl or katori, and crush the garlic with the oil till it turns into a paste like consistency.
You can use any oil here (mustard oil for winters, else olive or coconut or sesame oil will do). Dab a little of this oil on your clean palm and with your fingers, massage your child’s chest, back and the feet.
The smell of garlic (which is a put off I admit) and it’s natural heat will aid in clearing the congestion in your child’s chest and help in loosening the phlegm too. Change the oil mixture every 2 days.
Recommended for- babies, toddlers, anyone.
Dosage- Massage with the oil in an amount that is comfortable to you. For babies 1/2 tsp should be enough.
Honey Concoctions
The honey concoction is a common cold remedy in many Indian households. Although not a curative agent by itself, honey acts like a suppressant during coughs, meaning it helps tone down the symptoms of a cold. With its immunity boosting capability, it soothes a sore or rough throat and helps the body to recover faster.

Honey with lemon and ginger
When you see the early signs of a cold or cough in your child, be prepared with this concoction and it will arrest the cold most effectively.
To make this concoction mix 3 tbsps of honey with 1 tsp lemon and 1 tsp of fresh ginger juice.
Vitamin C rich lemon boosts your immunity by expelling toxins, and has anti-inflammatory powers to combat the cold. Ginger destroys the toxins in your body by clearing the phlegm in your lungs thereby relieving it from congestion.
This powerful team will definitely work wonders for anyone on the verge of a cold!
Recommendation- Toddlers and above. Do not give this to babies under 1 year of age.
Dosage- 3-4 times a day. Avoid taking it around the time they have milk.
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Honey with turmeric, ginger, jaggery and pepper powder
To make the concoction, heat 1/2 cup of water in a vessel and add into it 2 tsps jaggery powder, roughly crushed 1″ piece ginger and 1/2 tsp pepper powder. Boil till the water is reduced to half. Strain the pieces and cover the leftover syrup till it cools down.
Then add 1/2 tsp turmeric powder and 2 tbsps honey into the syrup and mix.If and when the cold increases and your child seems distressed by its effects, try this honey remedy.
Turmeric is a natural antibiotic and it reportedly contains anti- inflammatory properties that help alleviate the common cold. Jaggery or gur is loaded with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, and protects the lungs from toxic pollutants.
When used with black pepper which is rich in vitamin C, and ginger and honey, this syrup makes a good remedy for battling the cold symptoms and keeping the infection at bay.
In my toddler’s case, I’ve noticed that this mixture tends to instigate a cough that pushes the phlegm out from his body, like a small vomit, in just a few minutes.
Recommended for- Toddlers and above. Do not give to babies under 1 year of age.
Dosage- 2-3 times a day.

Turmeric Milk
Turmeric has been used since ages in Indian households and we have it in almost every meal. It is especially known to be a functional remedy for respiratory disorders like asthma. When taken with cow’s milk, it helps soothe the throat and works on relieving the congested chest.
To make the milk, take 1 cup of cow’s milk in a vessel and boil it with 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder and a small pinch of black pepper powder. Cool it down and serve.
Recommended for- Toddlers and above
Dosage- Before naps
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Onion Syrup
This remedy is visibly effective. What I mean is that when you start taking this syrup you will actually notice its effects working on your child!
The humble onion is a powerhouse of immunity boosting nutrients including vitamin C and helps in fighting toxins and clearing the nasal passages.
To make this syrup, cut a medium sized onion into circular pieces and place them in a bowl. Add 3 tbsps of sugar evenly on these onions and cover it. Leave the bowl in the fridge, if you wish.
Take the bowl out in the morning and once it comes back to room temperature, pour the syrup into a medicine vial like the one below and serve with a dropper or spoon. You can make a fresh syrup every 2 days.
Avoid leaving the mixture out on the counter, for more than 6 hours.
You will notice the phlegm coming out of your child’s nose the very same day. It is truly a remarkable remedy and I have definitely seen it work!
Recommended for- Toddlers and above
Dosage- 1 tsp of the syrup, every 1-2 hours
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Warm Water
Help your little one to stay hydrated, throughout the day, by offering warm water and other liquid based food like soups and broths.
This too helps in loosening the mucus and in expelling the pathogens from the body, which will ensure a fast recovery
Recommended for: Toddlers and above
Dosage- Every half an hour
Things to remember for cough and cold in babies and toddlers:
- In the case of infants under 4 months, please consult your doctor for cough or cold, in any case. For older babies, please trust your instinct and take your baby to the doctor if you feel there’s something wrong.
- Always wash your hands, when you come home, from outside, specially public places and every time, before your meals. Establish this habit with your child as well. Avoid kissing on the face of your child and vice versa to prevent the infection from spreading.
- Keep your child’s head a little elevated during sleep, when he or she has a stuffy nose. It helps in the release of the mucus.
- You can always give 1 tsp of honey whenever you notice your child (above 1 year) coughing in his/her sleep. It lubricates the throat within no time and helps your sweet one to get some rest.
- Avoid games with water and playing in mud for the period when your child is down with a cold. This could aggravate his condition.
- Cover your child’s ears, chest and feet properly during winters, especially when he or she has a cold.
- Encourage your child to get enough rest and sleep. This will give the body enough time to recover.
- Drink a lot of fluids. Remember what they say- feed the cold and starve the fever!
- Keep the air around you moist if possible, with a humidifier. Sometimes just having a walk in cold air or taking frequent whiffs of the freezer also helps in bringing relief.
- Some children sweat a lot while sleeping, which triggers coughing. My son does too. Make sure your child wears a cotton vest underneath his clothes for this reason. I also put a towel underneath my child’s head. These methods will help the sweat from your child’s body and hair, to get absorbed easily.
- Give your little ones loads and loads of affection when they’re sick. It comforts them and assures them of your love and care. 🙂
All the home remedies listed here, are effective in one way or the other. I have personally tried and tested all of them. Yet I cannot point out at one or two, and assure that they will work, every time your child has a cough or a cold. All the 9 are helpful. So what I would suggest is, try these home remedies your self. See what works for you. Be intuitive yet consistent for positive results. No remedy works without giving it a try, for atleast 4-5 days.
This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. The author does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Hi! My name is Rubitah. I’m a Content Writer certified Life Coach, Counselor, Social Work professional and the Founder of Being Rubitah. Over the years through my professional and personal life, I have realized that prayers and love can do wonders to family life once you come to terms with yourself and surrender to God. Do you relate to me? Then you may like what I post here! Read more about me
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