Preparing for marriage

It is not uncommon to find yourself confused when you’re on the lookout for Mr or Ms Right. Preparing for marriage is not easy specially if the following questions are looming inside your mind!

Is this person right for me?

Am I doing the right thing?

Am I ready for marriage?

How can I work towards being a better partner?

are probably a few questions that are pushing you to search for answers, for advice and for guided wisdom.

So feel free and browse through these range of topics that touch almost everything that you may need in your preparation for marriage. If there are questions that you are unable to find answers here, please feel free to send a mail to and I will definitely try and get the right advice for you.

Do note that these posts are only based on my opinion and a few others’ experiences. So while you can adopt them, please know that there are no definite ways to finding happiness in marriage and that every institution needs faith,love and time to become fulfilling.

Wish you the best and may God grant you His grace to find your path to marriage!

Forget the spark- here’s how to build a strong lasting relationship

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